How does Evouchers prioritise parent details?

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This article explains how the Evouchers platform orders parents when pulling details through from the school's MIS.

The voucher system orders parents based on (in this order): 

  1. Lives with Pupil will always pull through at the highest priority

  2. Parental Responsibility will always pull through as the second priority

  3. Priority 1-100 will pull through after Lives with Pupil and Parental Responsibility are checked

  4. Priority 0 or blank will be pulled through after all options above

  5. Court Order contacts will not pull through UNLESS the contact is marked as Lives with Pupil and/or Parental Responsibility

The phone number is selected in the following order:

  • MIS primary contact number
  • MIS contact mobile number
  • MIS contact home phone number
  • MIS contact work phone number

The email address is selected in the following order: 

  • MIS primary email address
  • MIS home email address
  • MIS work email address


We pull the data directly from your MIS so if the information showing is incorrect, you may need to amend these details in your MIS. Once updated, please let us know and we can run a manual update so this pulls through.

If you have changed any contact information in your vouchers order, this is not remembered for future orders. 

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