How to top up your pay-as-you-go meter using your energy voucher

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Topping up a traditional meter (using a key/card)

Present your key/card in the PayPoint store or Post Office, along with the voucher.

The voucher will be processed by retail assistant and the value will be uploaded onto your key/card.

Insert the key/card into your meter at home, this will update the balance.

If the balance does not update or displays an error message you will need to contact your energy supplier for further information.


Topping up a smart meter

Present your account barcode/barcode number in the PayPoint store or Post Office, along with the voucher.

The voucher will be processed by retail assistant and the value will be automatically uploaded onto your account.

It can take time to automatically update to your account, depending on the energy supplier.

If the amount does not show automatically the Unique Transaction Reference Number (UTRN) can be manually entered into the smart meter to apply the value immediately. This is found at the bottom of the receipt and is typically a 20 digit number.


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