Where to find help and support

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The Evouchers platform supports local authorities, organisations and schools to distribute vouchers within your community. 

Your local authority sets the criteria for eligibility, to find out if you are eligible for support and for further information, please speak to your local authority or visit their website. Evouchers are unable to advise on voucher entitlement and eligibility.

If you have not been assigned a voucher but require support, please see the list below of organisations that may be able to offer advice or assistance.

Food and household goods Insecurity
Organisation Website How they can help
Gov.uk www.gov.uk/cost-living-help-local-council 

Government directory for available support in your area

The British Red Cross www.redcross.org.uk Charity, multi-area support
The Trussell Trust www.trusselltrust.org/get-help  Food bank network 

Citizen Advice Bureau 


Multi-area support

Independent Food Aid Network

www.foodaidnetwork.org.uk Food bank network
Feeding Britain www.feedingbritain.org 

Food bank network

The Hygiene Bank 


Household goods



Household goods

Energy insecurity
Organisation Website How they can help
Gov.uk www.gov.uk/cost-living-help-local-council 

Government directory for available support in your area

The British Red Cross www.redcross.org.uk Charity, multi-area support

Citizen Advice Bureau 


Multi-area support

National Energy Action www.nea.org.uk  Energy advice (the national fuel poverty charity)
Npower's energy fund www.selectra.co.uk Energy advice (scheme designed to help Npower’s domestic customers)
EDF's energy customer support fund www.edfenergy.com Energy advice (scheme designed to help EDF's domestic customers)
British Gas Energy Trust  www.britishgas.co.uk/energy/british-gas-energy-trust.html  Energy advice (scheme designed to help British Gas domestic customers)
Home Energy Scotland www.homeenergyscotland.org Energy advice and support for Scottish residents 



Energy advice and support

Depher CIC www.depher.com  Free emergency repairs for heating and hot water as well as gas and plumbing
Financial insecurity
Organisation Website How they can help
Gov.uk www.gov.uk/cost-living-help-local-council 

Government directory for available support in your area

National Debtline www.nationaldebtline.org Financial and debt advice
Step Change www.stepchange.org  Financial and debt advice
Citizen Advice Bureau  www.citizensadvice.org.uk Multi-area support

Pay Plan


Financial and debt advice

Community Money Advice


Financial and debt advice

Debt Advice Foundation


Financial and debt advice

Further options for seeking assistance:

- Contact your local authority
- Contact your GP, requesting to speak to Social Prescriber
- Contact your Health Visitor
- Contact your local Children's Center
- Contact your Early Intervention team
- Visit www.gov.uk/cost-of-living

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