If paying your bill over the phone, please state you have a prepaid card to pay your energy bills, not a voucher.
Step 1
Select 'Click to redeem voucher' on the email or text message you received.
Step 2
If you are logged into the app already you will be taken to this screen.
If you are not logged in or are new here you will be asked to confirm your details, for more information see the sign up guide here.
Step 3
Your voucher will now be processed and arrive shortly. This process typically takes 30 seconds but can take longer during busy periods.
Step 4
Once processed you will be asked to fill out your details.
These details will be linked to your card so it is essential they are correct.
If they are not correct your card may not be accepted by the retailer.
Step 5
Your card will now begin activation.
Step 6
Once complete you will be sent a verification code to your mobile number.
Step 7
Once you confirm the code you will be take to your card!
Once activated, you can log into your account and view your prepaid card details, balance and transactions. Your prepaid card allows you to instantly pay your utility bills online or over the phone. Simply press xxx to reveal your card information to make a payment.